Co je social responsibility for health     

  • společenská zodpovědnost za zdraví

Původ slova

z angličtiny

Související výrazy

social loafing, social security, social science, social distance, corporate social responsibility, social network, street social work, social worker, evaluation of social services, social welfare, department social development, social benefit, social awareness, social impact theory, social cost, social exchange theory, social facilitation, social services planning, social skills, sense of responsibility, diffusion of responsibility, being for oneself, tit for tat, investment for health, health maintenance, health care, health education, health endangered, determinants of health, health status, health literacy, health promotion, health behaviour, health promoting schools, perception of health, health promoting evaluation

Social responsibility for health může být také omylem zapsáno jako:

socyal responsibility for health, social responsybility for health, social responsibylity for health, social responsibilyty for health, social responsibiliti for health, socyal responsybility for health, socyal responsibylity for health, socyal responsibilyty for health, socyal responsibiliti for health, social responsybylity for health, social responsybilyty for health, social responsybiliti for health, social responsibylyty for health


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